Friday, November 02, 2012

How to run WP8 Emulator under VMware 9.

Since I use Win 7 and I don't want to try Win 8 Pro right now, so I tried to install VMware 9 and using to install Win 8 Pro.

If you go straight and you will encounter the followings error when you start WP8 emulator:
1. ".......Generic error"
2. "Unable to start........"

There are two problems in this situation:
1. Running WP8 Emulator requires Hyper-V function but VMware default is turned off.
2. No. of processors.

1. Add line in your vm guest's vmx file (config file)
 hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = “FALSE”
 vhv.enable = "true"
2. Define 2 processors in guest vm

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