100 MC:
1. 最白痴問題,Social Network 唔好做邊樣野:Post your privacy Information!!!!!!!!
2. e-government
3. 拒收廣告訊息既條例唔收邊幾樣野?Fax/SMS 果啲…
4. OGCIO 屬於政府邊個部門﹖
5. 政府Outsource contract 睇乜﹖
6. 發生事故incident 既priority? 睇urgency, level/….,我揀左跟程序去做
7. Digital21 果五個objectives? 全部都係
8. 全港有幾多個wifi access point? 4001-8000/8001-12000/12001-16000/More than 16000
Answer: 8001-12000, Ref:
9. 放係身份證既digital Cert 可以係邊幾樣﹖Personal, Server,...,...
Answer: Personal Only. Ref: You may store in the card a personal e-Cert issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority for conducting electronic transactions.
10. Clean PC Day? Improve information security awareness
11. 六大產業邊樣係? IT/ICT/Innovation and technology,應該係Innovation and technology
12. 果間野叫乜名﹖Create Hong Kong, Creative Hong Kong, Innovative Hong Kong, Discover Hong Kong
Answer: Create Hong Kong
13. 原來間野既名係Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
14. Panel for ICT/Panel for ?????
15. 有Programmer 叫你update 野,你係system admin 要點做﹖緊係叫佢跟procedure.
16. HKCert (Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team)? Security 野
17. Electronic Transaction Ordinance Q1 - OGCIO 整左乜野配合呢樣野﹖
18. Electronic Transaction Ordinance Q2
19. Recognized certification authority(CA)
20. E-procurement pilot programme
21. Wardriving is the act of searching for Wi-Fi wireless networks by a person in a moving vehicle, using a portable computer or PDA
22. 整access point 果個係乜野project? uUbiquitous City –HK Project?Government's Wi-Fi Programme?
Technical and project management
1. 邊幾隻係programming language? Java,Perl, Algol,...,答案係四樣都係,係ALGOL 比較fake人
2. 以下邊樣係OS? UNIX, LINUX, MIMIX, ...,我答左unix+linux
3. 以下邊樣唔係two-form factor identification? password and person's secret, fingerprint and password, smart card and password, smart card and person's secret, Answer:password and person's secret
4. Security 係睇邊三樣野? Confidentiality/Integrity/Availability
5. RFID 用咩frequency?125/134 kHz (LF) or 13.56 MHz (HF)
6. 有乜野wireless 去到50 km? Wi-fi/bluetooth/wimax/none of the above, Answer:WiMax
7. WPA2? 802.1x,原來係802.11i
8. 54MBps, 100m = 802.11g
9. Web Services is ?
10. Wireless Security 有乜野整﹖認Mac address,(有個選擇係話用WEP 唔用WPA2,梗係唔岩)
11. AJAX Stands for? Asynchronous Javascript and XML
12. SaaS = ? Software as a Service
13. Digital Right Management 係乜﹖版權野
14. Cloud Computing?
15. Black Box Testing = ?
16. ISO/IEC 10646? Universal Character Set
17. Web Server to Web Browser Protocol? HTTP
18. Sending Mail Protocol? SMTP
19. Translate IP address? DNS
20. Security 個 Protocol? SOAP/…, Answer: Transport Layer Security Protocol
21. OO Model
22. Python? OO Language
23. 邊樣唔係network device? Switch/Router/Modem/Autoloader,擺明係autoloader
24. Incident Analysis 有邊樣係?
25. Incident Analysis deliverable?
26. Use Case Model, business process model
27. Function Point Analysis
28. VPN = ? 應該係does not support public service
29. PRINCE (PRoject In ???)
30. 有個Business process Analysis/ Function Analysis 排序。
31. 有一條有四個management揀?cost management/risk management/time management/ 仲有一個,我答左果個
32. Quality management =? 唔肯定係咪ISO9000
33. Project Stakeholder?User, project manager, supplier, computer operator??
34. system Analysis & Design Q1
35. system Analysis & Design Q2
36. user test, system test and unit test
37. Entity 係relational database 用乜野代表? Table/Column/Row
38. 1 個diagram,1 個department own one or more software
39. Rapid Application Development Tool?
40. 有一條least relevant 我揀左IPv6
41. Duration, Total float
42. Testing 排次序答案為:
Unit Testing, Function Testing, System Testing, Acceptance Testing
43. 以下邊樣唔會initiate 一個新system? Top management 話要改野/一個desktop app 轉做 web interface/……
44. 以下邊樣係non-functional requirement? 我答左response within 10 seconds
Task Q:
English: IT 人應有特質,你點develop
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