Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NDS Rom 大全



Friday, May 27, 2011



改革開放三十年,承著二戰之後的連串政治內鬥,以文革為休止符,在神州上呈現的卻是一個率獸食人的蠻荒國度。招來外資,自毀長城為世界工廠,污染環境以及「販賣血汗變棟樑」,換來「價值像泡沫上揚」的GDP,發展就是硬道理。連奸商用有毒食品賺錢也是大道理,在政府的護翼下毒害人民。經濟發展卻「剩下砒霜 當菜汁分享」。你不滿意,反抗吧。政府不是打你,便是關你,再不然就把你關進精神病院——「誰又會鑑定誰正常 不知替哪個著想」。
毛澤東說:「與天鬥,其樂無窮。與地鬥,其樂無。與人鬥,其樂無窮。」這個新中國,甚麼也鬥。新發財的大陸人「囂張得敢與天格鬥」。已沒人再相信經濟發展並非萬能。沒人再相信經濟發展並非仙丹。但你敢說麼?你敢說經濟、發展、大一統不是仙丹,而是砒霜?「誰來斗膽講仙丹會斷腸 誰有膽去相信過激立場」官方眼中的過激立場,也只是自由、民主、公平,這些在地球另一邊視作必然的普遍價值。


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

【爆機攻略】 NDS - Hotel Dusk Room 215





Changing the name of a .NET DLL problem and Solution


.NET DLLs (called assemblies) are not the same as normal DLLs.

The file name is not the real name of the assembly, this is encoded in the assembly manifest inside the file. If you run the tool ildasm.exe (which is part of the Windows SDK) you will find an entry in teh assembly manifest that looks something like this:

.assembly MyAssemblyName

this is the actual name of the assembly. You will also see things like

.assembly extern mscorlib

this is another assembly this one relies on (in this case mscorlib - one of the system assemblies). Notice it does not say mscorlib.dll or have any path information for the dll - just its name

At runtime the CLR loads the dependent assemblies on demand. I looks in the manifest, finds the name of the assembly and then runs an algorithm to map the name of the assembly to a physical dll. This process is called assembly resolution. If the manifest says

.assembly extern UtilLib

then if the assembly was strong named it would look in the global assembly cache (GAC) and then if not in there would start looking in the application directory and subdirectories, first for a file called UtilLib.dll and if that failed then UtilLib.exe. (this is a slight simplfication but gives you the general idea)

So as you can see - changing the file name you compile against will not change the actual name of the assembly - all it will do is stop the assembly being loaded at runtime - which is the symptom you are seeing. If you do not control the external assemblies then you cannot do what you are attempting.


Use reflector and reflexil to change the assembly

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Search Cydia Apps on any computer using Cydia Search

This web site provides a web interface for iPhone user to search cydia's apps.


Control iPhone from Computer using Veency (VNC)

Control iPhone from computer:

1. Install Veency (VNC server) on the jailbreak iPhone


2. Install VNC client on computer

3. Connect

4. Left click = click, right click = home